
Cette section du site liste les nouvelles en rapport avec l'information sur le droit à l'euthanasie, que ce soit pour les personnes en souffrance physique autant que psychiques.

The Meaning of Suffering: Shaping Conceptualizations of Assisted-Death. Antoine Przybylak-Brouillard, Ottawa, Canada, 2016.

On his request I met Antoine Przybylak-Brouillard in Namur on 10 december 2015. He interviewed Lieve Thienpont and Tony Van Loon and they recommended him to contact me.

Antoine Przybylak-Brouillard : Candidat à la maîtrise / Masters Candidate ; Faculté des sciences sociales / Faculty of Social Sciences ;  Département de sociologie et anthropologie / Department of Sociology & Anthropology / Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa.

Amy explains to her mother why she made the euthanasia request : I want it to happen in a dignified way. I don't want to have pain. I want to give you time.

"I want it to happen in a dignified way." September 23, 2016 by Road to Mercy Team

A recent study from the Canadian Medical Association Journal found a significant rise in euthanasia in Belgium. The study also revealed an increase in cases involving people with mental illness. Belgium ranks 34th in world suicide rates by country (WHO, 2012), and 4th among EU states (OECD, 2012). Most of these cases are linked to psychological suffering. 

"THE END OF THE LINE". A film about euthanasia in Belgium presented as practical work for the completion of studies in international journalism.


Courageous Amy De Schutter, clear minded young thirty years old woman, who in an immodest, "impudic", shameless way, dare to confront the public, all of us, silent majority, tackling in a kind of “coming out”, something as intimate as the psychic sufferings she lived with since her 13 years, the social incomprehension and the resulting exclusion she went through all this time.

N'avez-vous jamais réagi ainsi ? 60% des personnes en souffrances psychiques ne cherchent pas d'aide. Entre autres à cause de réactions inappropriées de notre part.

Je zoekt gewoon aandacht. Tu te rends intéressant.

Ik weet perfect hoe jij je voelt. Moi, je sais parfaitement comment tu te sens.

Stop met dat zelfmedelijden. Arrête tes jérémiades.

Gewoon niet meer aan denken. N'y pense tout simplement plus.

Je beeld het je allemaal maar in. Tu t'inventes tout ça.

N'avez-vous jamais réagis ainsi ?

Heb je ooit zo gereageerd ?

